7 Best Brushes for Labradoodles w/ Surprising Tips for Effective Brushing

7 Best Brushes for Labradoodles w/ Surprising Tips for Effective Brushing

Although officially a cross between the Labrador and Poodle, the Labradoodle breed seems like a species of its own. With the calm and loyal temperament of a Labrador but the beautiful coat and hypoallergenic characteristics of a poodle, the Labradoodle gives owners the best of both worlds. Originally, the term “Labradoodle” first popped in 1955…

7 Best Brushes for Golden Retrievers w/ Simple Tips for Effective Brushing

7 Best Brushes for Golden Retrievers w/ Simple Tips for Effective Brushing

Often considered the “golden boy” of dog breeds, it’s hard to find something negative to say about the golden retriever. Developed in the Scottish Highlands, the Golden Retriever began popping up in the early 1900s but didn’t truly become popular until President Gerald Ford showcased his own retriever, Liberty, to the American people. While the…

6 Best Dog Harnesses for Puppies in 2024

6 Best Dog Harnesses for Puppies in 2024

While the specific needs of a puppy might vary from breed to breed, almost all puppies tend to be more playful as adolescents than they will be as adults. Small breeds like the Pomeranian or Dachshund tend to be boisterous as adolescents while large breeds like Basset Hounds and Cane Corso remain only slightly more…

12 Best No Pull Dog Harnesses in 2024 – Front Clip Options for Yank-Free Walks

12 Best No Pull Dog Harnesses in 2024 – Front Clip Options for Yank-Free Walks

No matter what you do or how you train, some dogs are determined to pull on the leash. Sometimes, it’s due to age and immaturity. Other times, you’ve got a willful breed. Every once in a while, it’s the dog’s personality by itself. To help make walks easier, you need a better solution than gritting…

French Bulldog Shampoo: Our 5 Picks For The Best Shampoo for French Bulldogs

French Bulldog Shampoo: Our 5 Picks For The Best Shampoo for French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are adorable dogs with lots of energy and a distinctive face. Their short coat may seem low maintenance, but to preserve skin health, you may have to take some steps to ensure the skin is healthy. All coat issues start with skin health, so this is a great time to tackle any problems…

7 Best Brushes for Labrador Retriever With 5 Simple Brushing Tips

7 Best Brushes for Labrador Retriever With 5 Simple Brushing Tips

Labrador Retrievers are high energy, lovable family dogs with a lot of personality. They have buckets of curiosity and enjoy nothing better than roaming around exploring with their favorite people. They don’t have the voluminous coat of their Golden cousins, but their coats will take some abuse over their lifetime of explorations. A good brush…

10 Best Dog Harnesses for Basset Hounds in 2024

10 Best Dog Harnesses for Basset Hounds in 2024

With their stout legs, wrinkled faces and irresistible puppy-dog eyes, basset hounds remain one of the most easily recognizable dog breeds around. While they might not win any races, these dogs have a lot more stamina than you would think. Historically, basset hounds began popping up in sixth-century France, where hunters used their keen noses…

9 Best Dog Harnesses for Pitbulls in 2024

9 Best Dog Harnesses for Pitbulls in 2024

Not only are pitbulls one of the most easily recognizable dog breeds out there, but they’re also one of the most misunderstood as well. Bred from Old English Bulldogs, pit bulls were originally farm dogs who herded cattle and guarded livestock. However, after discovering the Pitbulls gentle nature and fierce loyalty, this breed began to…

9 Best Dog Harnesses for Bernese Mountain Dogs in 2024

9 Best Dog Harnesses for Bernese Mountain Dogs in 2024

While they might look intimidating, the Bernese mountain dog’s loving nature makes this breed a gentle giant. Originally, Bernese dogs were bred for hard-work in Switzerland, but their affectionate temperament earned them a place as a family dog in the 1900s. Today, Berners might not be guarding livestock or driving cattle, but they still need…